Friday, September 18, 2015

Comedy Writing

Sense of humor is an important trait because it is important to make everybody happy all the time because you are happy. I believe that humor is contagious when somebody is happy everybody seems to be happy. Sense of humor isn't just being happy all of the time part of it is your just part of your personality. My sister thinks that if your all smiles and laughing all the time you either got a problem or your just slightly autistic, but honestly there is nothing wrong with that it's totally normal because isn't everybody like that unless your like completely EMO and have absolutely no emotion. ;)

Now I will give you 5 tips on how to write a humorous or funny narrative. Number one you always need to make your joke appropriate for your audience depending on if it's children or just adults. Number two you need to be funny. Number three you need to know your jokes and try not to stutter unless it's part of your joke. Number four you need to make eye contact and last but not least, Number five you need to make sure that even if you have a microphone on that the whole audience front to back can hear you clearly with no problem. 

My comedic monologue is about my sister,and how I hate it when she does my nails she does it either to chunky or to thin and it just smudges and washes right off. I think that my comedic monologue is funny because most girls can relate to me like seriously younger sibling painting your nails isn't very pretty they completely ruin the whole thing and paint everywhere but they still they do a pretty good job for their first time I guess :0 . Another reason why I think my monologue is funny is because at least everybody has had that moment where you forget like everything and you have to ask the person to repeat what they said over and over again it's actually pretty funny if your the person watching your friend forget what they were saying unless it's you then it's no longer funny.      


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