Leading Lines
I think that leading lines is the most important composition technique because as you can see it was the one that my class had the most hard time doing because some of them didn't know what it actually was so they had a hard time filming it for the project. Another reason I think it is important is because leading lines can sometimes look like an illusion and it also can be fun filming it.

The most difficult composition technique I have to say is probably macro because it's hard to get so close to the subject and having to steady it at the same time but then again it's also really fun filming. Another reason why I think macro is the most difficult technique is because Kyllie, Alina and I are the most hyper kids there is so we constantly shake the camera and can't get it to focus.
My teammates for this project were Kyllie Belmonte and
Alina Puig. Alina came up with how we were gonna plan the shots and kyllie came up with the name braidenaider, and last but not least I came up with the idea of a compartment for installing die into it to streak your hair. After all the 3 of us came up with the idea of a braiding wand that does your hair for you any style any time whenever you want.
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