I think my user experience influenced my game by wanting the smoothest way for the octopus to move. I think I wanted to do more and make my game like really good but if you played my game you would understand that it isn't all that good so I'm gonna be working on it again and see if i can fix it to be better and possibly make more levels to be more challenging and fun at the same time. Another reason my user experience influenced my game by helping me program my game to be bug free and making it all different.
I think the best features in my games are that they move smooth and easy and that the colors all either contrast and stand out or they have the same color scheme. My personal favorite is the sprites and how they look and the colors they are. Another one of the best features on my game is that they are challenging but fun even though they aren't done
My team is Kyllie Belmonte, Alina Puig and me Cara Griffin. Our main goal was to make a product that would be quick and easy to use and it would be able to do your hair for you and it would turn out amazing! (I know it's a little, okay a total crazy idea but it was so fun filming it). We ran into quite a bit of problems but we just went with it and to be honest we had some pretty funny bloopers from Alina but we didn't have enough time because it had to be within 30-50 seconds long so I guess it's okay though :)
I think the best team moment was when we were done filming we all started jumping everywhere because we were stuck in the bathroom for about 2-3 hours so we went totally crazy. After that my mom kicked us out of the house for jumping around to much and said for us to just go on the trampoline so we did but... we brought tons of water balloons on the trampoline and then got soaked in the hose and had to wait outside to dry off for about another hour. I thought just to waste time it would be a brilliant idea to start rolling down our concrete hill but :0 bad idea we went to fast and got rocks implanted in our arms but to be honest it was pretty amazing ;)
When we were editing I went on the computer next to Alina and started looking for sound affects to add for music or like the sound when Alina popped in the shot and it made the cork popping sound. Alina and I also found the music we would put in the background instead of it being just plain voice overs. Kyllie was the one telling us if we should lengthen or shorten the video clips and checked over the final product. All three of us all think that we did a pretty good job over all. The reason why Alina edited on her computer was because on the last project we edited on my computer I picked the music because it was last minute when we realized we needed background sounds and Kyllie overlooked the final product and helped edit because she was the team leader and she decided who did what.
We were also one of the top three winning inventions in the class critique!
Leading Lines
I think that leading lines is the most important composition technique because as you can see it was the one that my class had the most hard time doing because some of them didn't know what it actually was so they had a hard time filming it for the project. Another reason I think it is important is because leading lines can sometimes look like an illusion and it also can be fun filming it.

The most difficult composition technique I have to say is probably macro because it's hard to get so close to the subject and having to steady it at the same time but then again it's also really fun filming. Another reason why I think macro is the most difficult technique is because Kyllie, Alina and I are the most hyper kids there is so we constantly shake the camera and can't get it to focus.
My teammates for this project were Kyllie Belmonte and
Alina Puig. Alina came up with how we were gonna plan the shots and kyllie came up with the name braidenaider, and last but not least I came up with the idea of a compartment for installing die into it to streak your hair. After all the 3 of us came up with the idea of a braiding wand that does your hair for you any style any time whenever you want.