Live your life how you want to live it not how other people want you to live. Do what you love all day every day. If you don't like the things you do then don't do them. Life doesn't need to be this hard make it easier for yourself enjoy your life don't dread it. Make every moment count don't let anybody bring you down no matter what they say. Sometimes getting lost can help you find the things you need most in your life. Believing is the first secret success. Life is short be faithful and be happy smile every day. Never take no for an answer
I think that my manifesto relates to my readers because it is inspirational and motivational it also gives you confidence. Another reason why I think my manifesto relates to my readers is because I think that they can understand from where I'm coming from by the quotes that I chose saying that you should never let anybody bring you down and that is the biggest thing that I live up to because when I was still in elementary school I used to get teased because I hang out with the kids that hang back and we usually are the ones that are more quiet and keep to ourselves so the other "popular" kids would tease us because we had different personalities and we were considered different from everybody else. That's why I now can say never ever let anybody bring you down and always stand up for yourself no matter what.
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